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What file types can be uploaded to systems/policies/training?
What file types can be uploaded to systems/policies/training?

MP4, AVI, MP3, JPG, PPT, XLS, DOC and that's just to name a few.

Updated over a week ago

To increase the safety of your account safe, systemHUB allows only approved files to be uploaded to the attachments section. Here are the accepted uploadable files:

jpeg, jpg, gif, png, psd

pdf, xls, xlsx, xlsm, csv, ppt, pptx, doc, docx, docm, rtf, odt, ODP, pages

wav, mov, wmv, m4a, mp4, swf, avi, mp3, ogg

To get any additional files added to this list, simply contact the support team and we'll get them into the approved list,

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